Program Development and Evaluation 2

Data collection instrument and discussion

  • Introduction

The purpose of this report is to create a survey to collect data on the local mothers of Pope. I would like to analyse, the general awareness and use of active transport, such as walking, cycling, jogging, running, etc by local mothers. I would like to consider contributing factors and characteristics of each person surveyed and whether it shows any commonalities between surveyees. Do mothers in this area know that active transport can improve their health? Do they think positively about it? Who are they, where are they from and what do they spend their time doing?

  • Quantitative instrument (survey)

    • Are you male or female?

    • What is your age?

    • Do you have children?

    • How many children do you have?

    • Do you intend to have more children?

    • How many children would you like to have in your lifetime?

    • What language do you speak?

    • What culture do you come from?

    • How long have you lived in Pope, Melbourne?

    • Are you married or single?

    • What is your yearly income amount?

    • Do you have a career?

    • Do you travel by car?

    • Do you travel by public transport?

    • Do you walk, cycle or jog?

    • Do you know active transport can improve your health?

  • Qualitative instrument (survey)

    • Do you know what I mean by active transport?

    • What does the term mean to you?

    • What do you do to stay healthy and fit?

    • How difficult do you find transport with children and why?

    • What are any of your inhibitions about active transport?

    • Do you have any other opinions you'd like to share?

  • Justification for collection

    • The purpose of these surveys is to be placed on SurveyMonkey and emailed to every female between 12 and 60 in the local area.

    • Here is the reasoning behind each question:

    • Gender – checking if they are female.

    • Age – checking if they are of age to be a mother, to see if the survey is relevant.

    • Any children - are they already a mother? This will determine if the survey has found the target audience.

    • How many children – Do they have difficult travelling around because they have quite a few children.

    • Intentions in having children – what does the future hold.

    • How many children would you like to have in your lifetime – compsons for people who have similar amounts of children, what will their likely obstacles and benefits be.

    • What language do you speak – are they English speaking or another language. They may not travel around as much if they can't communicate freely with strangers, such as shops.

    • Culture – interesting to know, who's who.

    • How long have they lived in Pope, Melbourne – have they always lived as a local, maybe their opinions are influenced by how long they've lived in Pope, or not.

    • Married or single – important to know, do they have help with getting around.

    • Yearly salary – maybe they walk more if they can't afford to drive.

    • Career - maybe they don't have time for walking/jogging, etc.

    • Travel by car – do they rely on cars too much and have problems with weight gain and muscle loss, etc.

    • Use of public transport – maybe they're avoiding active transport, because its easier.

    • Do they walk, cycle or jog? - what are their healthy attitudes.

    • Do they know active transport can improve their health? - are they already doing the point of this promotion that I'd like to encourage.

    • Do they know what the term active transport means?- do they understand.

    • What does the term mean to them? - Worth hearing and listening to people.

    • What do you do to stay healthy and fit? - Do they do other forms of health and fitness, maybe swimming, maybe gym, maybe tennis, maybe tenpin bowling, etc.

    • How difficult do they find transport with children and why? - it might be an obstacle to get to places.

    • What are any of their inhibitions about active transport? - is anything holding them back.

    • Do they have any other opinions they'd like to share? - maybe they have an opinion worth noting and recognising. Maybe things I haven't thought of.

  • Conclusion

Thank you for reading.

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