Nail Problems

Clubbing - is when the nail curves at the top, giving a drumstick finger appearance. Can be tested with an x-ray or ct scan, but its visible when there is no gap between the tip of the finger and the fingernail. It can go away, over time.

Terry's lines - Tips of nails, with bands of pink and brown bands. These are a symptom of liver failure of diabetes. It's really a part of aging.

Nail fold infarcts (Paronychia) - Nail-fold with dark blue or black colour in nail fold. Observation. Soak in warm water, often. Antibiotics – tetracycline, doxycycline. 

Koiloncha Nails - in the shape of a spoon, ie. Concaved-shaped nails. Hb, ferritin, ECG for ischemic heart disease, serology for syphilis. Treat iron deficiency if present. 

Onycholysis - Thick nail, dystophic and separate from the finger nail bed. FT4, FT3, TSH, skin changes for psoriasis. Fungas seen under the nail. Keep clean and dry. Wear open toed shoes. 

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